I first saw Ken Robinson at a conference I went to in Berlin a few years ago and was very impressed with him then. I particularly warmed to his thesis that if you analyse it carefully you can see that success in the educational system is defined in terms of producing a university professor.
You can now get a taste of his wit and wisdom from his speech at this years TED here.
I laughed throughout.
Author: Richard
Calculated un-business
A useful reminder
I first came across the reminder that dinosaurs,far from being unsuccessful, had been around for longer than mammals and make our history look pretty puny, in one of the late John Brunner‘s novels. So I was pleased to find this fact used as an example again in number 7 of Jamais Cascio‘s “Twelve Things Journalists Need To Know to be Good Futurist/Foresight Reporters”:
“7. Dinosaurs lived for over 200 million years. A favourite pundit cliche is the “dinosaurs vs. mammals” comparison, where dinosaurs are big, lumbering and doomed, while mammals are small, clever and poised for success. In reality, dinosaurs ruled the world for much, much longer than have mammals, and even managed to survive a planetary disaster by evolving into birds. When a futurist uses the dinosaurs/mammals cliche, that’s your sign to investigate why the “dinosaur” company/ organization/ institution may have far greater resources and flexibility than you’re being led to believe.”
On a shorter time span, I wrote a piece at the time of the Tsunami at the end of 2004, with what may also be another reminder of our relative frailty and could be a useful corrective to the arrogance we display about how we live today:
“What we often forget is that our taken for granted world is an experiment that has been running for much less time than the Norse Colonies in Greenland. No doubt for much of the time the Norse thought things were going pretty well for them and ignored the signals that things might not be as they seem.”
Tapping the value of networks
Paul Miller, co-editor of Demos‘s “Network Logic”, has this advice for young people thinking of starting a business:
“If you’re a young entrepreneur trying to emulate the current generation of internet success stories, you’re going to try and think of business ideas that are like Google or eBay, that tap the value of networks of active participants for the simple reason that those are the most likely business to thrive in a network age. At the moment, we just don’t have that culture of understanding network business in the UK.”
Managing by form-giving
One of my daily rituals is to visit Abe Burmeister’s site Abstract Dynamics. His usually thought provoking posts are fairly infrequent, but he does do a good link. (One reason for his infrequent posts may be that he does lots of other things including writing a book, under his other name,William Abraham Blaze, “Nomadic Economics” – which you can look at free here and then go and buy here)
One of his recent links that caught my attention was to an article by Richard Farson “Management by Design”. In his conclusion he remarks:
“Design has many definitions, but if design is the creation of form, then it surely applies directly to leadership and management. Everything we see and hear and do has form. By its form, everything sends a metamessage. Therefore, everything is amenable to design. If we are going to seriously and systematically incorporate the approaches of social design into management, we have much to learn, and much to invent. But we can do this with the comfort of knowing that we are embracing the perspectives and approaches of an ancient, distinguished and thriving discipline, with greater relevance for the 21st century than ever before.”
I point to this article for two reasons. The first is that it deserves to be read and ponder upon. The second is that it gives me an excuse to point to some of my earlier posts that relate to aspects of what he is talking about and contain links that amplify some of his points:
“The Designer as a Good Host”
“Integrative thinking”
“The Manager as a Designer”
“Nobody smokes in church”
“The Design of Possibilities”
“Second thoughts”
Muji is magic
Can’t you do that at home?
I am eagerly awaiting the arrival of my copy of “Peoplewar: Productive Projects and Teams” by Tom DeMarco and Tim Lister, which I ordered immendiately after reading some extracts on Kevin Kelly’s excellent Cool Tools site. My favourite extract that rang a number of bells from my own experience was this one:
“In my two years at Bell Labs, we worked in two-person offices. They were spacious, quiet, and the phones could be diverted. I shared my office with Wendl Thomis who went on to build a small empire as an electronic toy maker. In those days, he was working on the ESS fault dictionary. The dictionary scheme relied upon the notion of n-space proximity, a concept that was hairy enough to challenge even Wendl’s powers of concentration. One afternoon, I was bent over a program listing while Wendl was staring into space, his feet propped up on the desk. Our boss came in and asked, “Wendl! What are you doing?” Wendl said, “I’m thinking.” And the boss said, “Can’t you do that at home?””
Pushing a moral code
Wise words from Philip Alcabes:
“… Risk reduction is the new religion. Americans today make risk sound like sin, the way earlier generations did with communism, atheism, or, well, sin. We talk about “risky sex” and mean not that you might fall in love and get your heart broken, but that you didn’t use a condom. We no longer label habits “bad” because they smell nasty, like smoking; make you unattractive, like eating a diet of fried foods; or startle your neighbors, like having sex in public bathrooms. The old language of bad habits invited the uncomfortable discussion about who really suffers and therefore about who gets to dictate mores and morals. Disguising revulsion as a concern about health lets you push your moral code on everyone; nobody can be against health.
This is the newest incarnation of an old trend in public health in this country. Some Americans with a moral agenda have always wanted other Americans to reform their behavior and have often used public health as one way to advance their case. Segregating black people, vilifying those who drink alcohol, and keeping girls at home and celibate until they were married were all, at one time, justified as ways of controlling epidemic disease. Now health officials push sexual temperance, sexual conformity, and abstention from “addictive substances.” Worst of all, public-health practitioners have been so indoctrinated in the risk-reduction religion that most disease-control programs today emphasize stamping out “risky behavior” — and in so doing, promote a moral agenda — instead of changing society.”
Got my brain back
In fact my computer came back from Apple a few days ago, but I am still in a state of wonder that it feels like a missing part of my brain has been restored. More and more I am convinced that I am a network and that network doesn’t stop at the edge of my skin.
There was a great piece in 3Quarks by Abbas Raza about Jeff Hawkins’s theory of the brain – mainly the neo-cortex – as a memory/prediction system. I was so excited that I immediately ordered Hawkin’s book, “On Intelligence” and wasn’t disappointed. Hawkins made the very intelligent choice of enlisting a co-writer, Sandra Blakeslee, science correspondent for the New York Times, so the book is written in straightforward English, so that one can focus on understanding the concepts rather than wrestling with unfamiliar language.
I had come across Hawkins ideas about intelligence some years ago and at the time had dismissed him as a rich techie wandering into areas he wasn’t equipped to deal with. Well I was wrong. No doubt, people working within the areas will find niggles to dismiss him, but as non-expert, but someone who spends quite a lot of time reflecting on how my mind and the minds of others work, I found him pretty convincing.
Curiously, following reading “On Intelligence”, I read Malcolm Gladwell‘s “Blink : The Power of Thinking Without Thinking” (perhaps better subtitled The Power of Thinking Without Consciously Thinking) , which has attracted a certain amount of rather dismissive reviews and reading it in the context of Hawkin’s theory, found myself nodding, yes,yes,yes.
Hoping to complete a triumvirate, I bought Teed Rockwell‘s book “Neither Brain nor Ghost”. This followed reading a review in John Thackara’s blog, where he talked about Rockwell’s idea that mind is “a single unified system embracing the nervous system, body, and environment”or as Rockwell puts in his comment to the entry,” I am arguing in my book is that the self is a behavioral field that expands and contracts within an environment.”
Sadly, Rockwell’s book was not the clarification I had been hoping for, but more a book written by an academic for other academics. Which is a great pity, because although my talk of losing half my brain when my computer goes wrong is in part a joke, my growing sense that who we are doesn’t stop at the edge of our skin isn’t simply something for academic debate, but a perception that has important practical implications.
A nasty case of kernel panic
About ten days ago, I was happily put some figures in to a spreadsheet, when an ominous black box appeared on my screen telling me, in four languages, to shut down my computer. Over the next few hours, that black box became a frequent companion. Digging around on the net I found I had a nasty case of kernel panic.
So I booked myself an appointment with an Apple Genius at the Apple Store in Regent Street, thinking well this is a software fault and my Genius will be able to plunge deep into the system, fix it and I’ll go home with a working computer.
Sadly, the diagnosis was that it was some interaction between the operating system and a bit of faulty hardware that was the problem and I am still waiting for it to be fixed.
What appalls me is the recognition of how deeply my computer is entangled with my life. All though I have had access to a number of computers during this time, I still find myself reaching to do something and realising that the information or application I want is no longer available. Things that were easy have now become hard.
All of which reinforces my view that our personal computers should reside out there in cyberspace rather than being closed up in a single bit of hardware.
Normal service will be resumed once my kernel panic is over.