I am currently basing my own thinking on two scenarios for the UK economy. The first is that the slowdown that seems to have affected IT, the media, advertising and marketing particularly badly has hit bottom and will now begin to improve. The second is that we ain’t seen nothing yet and because of systemic problems in the world economy are on our way to a major slump.
Month: July 2003
It’s hard to predict
I think it was Niels Bohr who said, “It’s hard to predict, especially the future”. But, driven by the number of my friends working in the interactive media industry, who complain that things have got very boring, I thought I’d venture a few predictions.
The first is that we should still expect a lot of disruptive, technological surprises to come.
The second is that network thinking, or what George Nelson called the “connections game”, is going to become a key ability in life and in business.
And the third is that analogue interfaces to digital media are going to be a hot area of development over the next few years.