Comments on: A Good Man Fri, 06 Apr 2012 15:06:44 +0000 hourly 1 By: Dougald Hine Thu, 04 Oct 2007 15:18:21 +0000 I saw Berger speak last night in London – a rare event, and quite strange because for so many people in the audience he clearly meant so much. In such situations, the asymmetry between reader and author reminds me of the awkwardness of a teenage crush…
For me, his work has had a powerful influence on the direction of my life. The friend who came with me last night had never read any of his books. But we both came away with the same sense that you describe – of having been in the presence of a good man.
Also, perhaps connected, he has an astonishing vigour for an eighty year old – to look at, he could be twenty years younger, and even then his energy would be remarkable.
